What is a disciple making movement?
Video + Resource
What is a disciple making movement?
Video + Resource
Beginning with prayer
Videos + Resources
Building a team
Video + Resources
Pastor’s resource
As a church leader in this difficult time, we want to help and equip you with resources that will encourage people to grow as disciples at home. With this in mind, we believe a Discovery Bible …
Resource pack
Here you’ll find simple easy to use guide to get started in doing a Discovery Bible Study at home, that involves the whole family.
Doing a Discovery Bible Study
A Discovery Bible Study with your group or family is a great way to do church at home.
Watch as Floyd McClung shares about Praxeis and our work.
Allowing Jesus to shape my head | my heart | my life.
MyWorld is a 10 week course developed by Praxeis to help you make disciples in your own community.
Making disciples that multiply
Dave Lawton shares how Praxeis is seeing people become disciples who multiply both here in Australia and around the world.
Starting a Discovery Group
A guide to starting a Discovery Group and Discovery Bible Studies.
Prayer walking made easy
In this simple resource, you’ll learn why prayer walking is important and how you can begin.
If you can eat … you can make disciples
What does it mean to be a Christian and share our faith in a multi-faith and no-faith world?
The Kingdom Unleashed
Essential reading for anyone looking to make disciples in their own community.
You can order your copy here.
Contagious Disciple Making
In Contagious Disciple Making, David Watson and Paul Watson map out a simple method that has sparked an explosion of homegrown churches in the United States and around the world.