22 Mar 2021
We need a kick in the pants
Our young men are going into the professional fields because they don’t ‘feel called’ to the mission field. We don’t need a call; we need a kick in the pants. We must begin thinking in terms of …
22 Mar 2021
We need a kick in the pants
Our young men are going into the professional fields because they don’t ‘feel called’ to the mission field. We don’t need a call; we need a kick in the pants. We must begin thinking in terms of …
24 Feb 2021
40 Days of Prayer and Fasting
4 Aug 2020
A movement of ordinary people!
Jim Jost shares a great word at Crossway last Sunday… really worth listening to …
16 Jul 2020
Praying for our world
There’s always a lot going on around Praxeis and it can be hard to keep up with what is happening and how best to pray.
11 Jun 2020
Building a team
Building a team – we can’t do this alone. If we want to see a Disciple-Making Movement take hold, we need to form teams. The grand vision God has given us requires teams of people who together …
6 Mar 2020
Movements in hard places #5
In our last instalment, Phil shares how we can apply the things that he has learnt about Disciple-Making Movements in prisons to our own context.
5 Mar 2020
Movements in hard places #4
Phil Alessi Interview In our second last instalment with Phil Alessi, we dig into DMM principles and see how a Disciple-Making Movement can grow. Question: What are some of the key principles …
4 Mar 2020
Movements in hard places #3
Here we hear stories of impact and life changes as people discover God in a prison setting and the impact of these people as they share their faith and live life on the outside.
3 Mar 2020
Movements in hard places #2
Following on from our last post, here is the next instalment from our interview with Phil Alessi. Here he shares his experience seeing a Disciple-Making Movement grow inside a prison.
2 Mar 2020
Movements in hard places #1
We sat down with Phil Alessi and asked him questions about his life, experience and lessons we can learn about making disciples in hard places. Watch the first parts of his interview … with more to come.