126. Campfire Chat

We join Dave as he catches up with Brian and Klaus around a campfire to the west of Canberra moments after a time of praying over the city together.

Embracing DMM from the heart

Brian shares a little of his journey towards DMM from being a legacy church leader in the sophisticated city of Canberra.

“We previously never thought about multiplying evangelism. But then we learnt that to help somebody discover God is to help them multiply.” 

Brian tells us the importance of having a ‘harvest is plentiful’ perspective. God has a plan for so called ‘tough’ cities like Canberra as we pray for harvest workers to be raised up (Luke 10:2).

“Prayer has become so much more important than ever before since its about being inwardly transformed, not just learning a slick new method.”

Renewing our minds as teams

Klaus joins the conversation sharing how seeing disciple making teams form has been key. Switching from gathering in a hall to homes has allowed their church to become more loving, learning and joy filled discipling communities. 

“I love the simplicity of how everyone in DMM can share God’s stories. Jesus himself shared stories to connect with the hearts and minds of such a wide range of people.” 

The willingness to ‘go slow to go far’ as disciple makers, Klaus says, is vital. He says the biggest challenge is inside us as God calls us to renew of our minds to his truth. He describes how using Jim Britts’ book (‘21 Days to Becoming a Disciple Maker’) with the team is helping them embrace the habits of Pray, Go, Disciple, Multiply in a deeper way. 

Multiplying everywhere through discipling hubs

Brian describes their current challenge of continuing to form apostolic and multiplying hubs of disciple makers all across Canberra. 

“Genuine leadership is leaders multiplying leaders. The multiplication of disciples needs to happen in every part of the operation. Catalytic leaders will multiply catalytic leaders. Movements will even multiply movements.” 

Pray the edges!

Before Klaus closes the podcast in prayer, Brian finishes up by emphasising the vital roles of what he calls evolving prayer by urging us to ‘pray the edges’ as we continue to engage with the person of God’s Word. 

“Everything needs to come from heaven…Every time we have seen a pioneering movement, it has been sponsored by prayer and the Word.”