94. Nairobi Gathering #8 – Wilson’s Story Pt. 2

In this second podcast with Wilson from Uganda, we hear of how the beginning of Wilson’s story ended up birthing not only a movement in Uganda but multiplying movements. 

Watch part 1 and 2 of this interview with Wilson here:

“Discipleship is not talking but modelling”

We hear of Wilson’s personal suffering through beatings, robbery and strangulation as Wilson gave up everything as a successful banker to, as he says, “hang out with bad guys”

What God is doing

There is now daily baptisms and over 5829 discipleship groups (up to eleven generations amongst several streams) that have multiplied from the initial group of disciples Wilson poured into. 

Movements have also multiplied into remote and previously unreached people groups of Uganda and other nations. Wilson is also beginning to mobilise teams into places like Germany in the western world. 

Principles of movements

  • The things of Jesus are so simple. Whatever we do needs to be reproducible. 
  • Learn to be patient. Go slow to go fast.
  • People of peace must be identified. These people will create space, time and open their network for you. 
  • Listen to God through prayer. Jesus instructed his disciples (in Luke 10:2-3) to pray as they go. Those who are going are the same who are praying. 
  • Know where God is sending you and speak their language (know their culture). Don’t bring church language. 
  • Our cities are key to reach many peoples. 
  • Anyone can participate (for example, baptise)
  • Let God be in control

Wilson says, 

“I see the future as being movements. Without movements, the world is going to be lost. This is because the church (as we know it) cannot grow at the same rate as the population.

We need partnerships to fulfil the Great Commission. One person cannot finish the task.

Jesus is looking for every nation, tribe and people to be represented in heaven. There are still tribes and people who are not represented before the throne. We need to see them be part of God movements which are simple, effective and reproducible.”