124. Discovery and Team with Jim Britts

We continue our conversation with movement catalyst Jim Britts (who has just released a new book, 21 Days to Becoming a Disciple Maker).

Jim starts with some movement stories from the last few years that have come from him stepping into DMM. He shares his personal shifts to helping people come to Jesus through a disciple making process instead of starting with the sinners prayer.

We hear of the next two habits of a disciple maker as Jim reminds us that we need to move from being results to habits orientated in our disciple making.

Habit #3 – Discovery

Leading people in starting DBS is vital. We need to move into disciple making relationships, walking alongside who Jim calls ‘PPOP’ (potential people of peace). By finding someone’s ‘pain point’ through spiritual conversations, Jim encourages us to offer prayer and start sharing discovery style stories.

“A message discovered is much better than a message delivered.”

Habit #4: Team

Being in disciple making communities is so important for the ongoing encouragement of disciple makers. The core elements of these communities are always accountability, prayer and celebration.

“The secret sauce to becoming a disciple maker is simply being with a group of other people who all want to make disciples as well.”

Final encouragement

Jim finishes this episode encouraging us (from 2 Corinthians 5:17-20) that we all have been given the ministry and message of reconciliation as Jesus’ ambassadors. Therefore, disciple making is not what we do, it is the essence of who we are.

Purchase your copy of Jim’s book here.