119. Fireside restoration – Graham Wilson

In this episode we conclude our series from our Launch 24 program with an awesome word from Pastor Graham Wilson, one of our Praxeis board members. Graham speaks into our sense of ‘ordinariness’ and feelings of disqualification compared to the greatness of Jesus and his great commission. 

“When we look back on our lives, God has been relentless about his purposes being worked out in our lives despite our own sense of ordinariness.”

Prophetic words from Launch 24

“Worship me by stepping into what I’ve called you to, even if it’s messy and uncomfortable.” 

“I love you and have chosen you. You might feel inadequate and that it’s impossible. But know that I love you and there’s nothing too difficult for me.” 

“Be still and know that I am fighting for you.” 

Fireside restoration

Graham leads us into Peter’s encounter with Jesus including his great failure when he denies Jesus around a fire. In John 21, Jesus recreates the fire of Peter’s failure when he meets him beside the same lake where he first called him. It’s in this context where Jesus reinstates and also calls Peter to once again “Follow me”. 

Graham asks us three questions (from John 21:15, 20-22): 

Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Then feed my lambs.”

Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them…he asked, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.”

  1. What if Jesus is asking you, “Do you love me more than these?”. I wonder what the ‘these’ would be for you?. 
  2. Jesus follows this question saying “Then…”. What is his ‘then’ for you?’
  3. What do you need to stop looking at in other peoples lives so you can be enabled to simply follow Jesus?

Why not listen to this word from Graham a couple of times, allowing it to feed your heart? Then think about the times when you needed Jesus to bring you around his fire of restoration. To not just be forgiven but called by him. Allow him to bring purpose, hope and destiny to your life again as his follower. 

Graham’s recommended resources:

‘Receive’ song by Cyndi Ruakere: listen via Spotify here

‘Lectio 365’ daily prayer & devotion

Praying like Monks, living like Fools (Tyler Staton)