112. DMM in India

Today we hear from ‘Simon’, a movement catalyst in central India. You’ll be moved to pray for India and respond afresh to the Great Commission as Simon shares how he is seeing movement amongst severe persecution.

After sharing how he got caught up in what he calls a great commission ministry, Simon shares his three main practices: 

  1. Multiply disciples 
  2. Multiply leaders 
  3. Multiply churches 

These practices have produced over 8 generations of disciples around Simon amongst many streams. 

Simon shares some of this perspectives on the ongoing persecution in India. He asks for our prayers for those undergoing this persecution. Yet he correspondingly also asks us to pray for the Indian believers to stay strong so new disciples and churches continue to grow and multiply. 

Final word of encouragement to us: 

“Pray, obey the simple things that Jesus said and go out to make disciples. Then the end will come”