Our priestly role before God is to carry all ‘tribes and tongues‘ into the very throne room of God. We do this through prayer and fasting.
From the 1st -3rd October we will be praying and fasting for Afghans and their communities scattered around the globe. Hosted by one of our team who passionately carries a vision for Afghans to know Jesus, we will be joining in and want to give you the opportunity to take part and invite others to pray.
Pray4Afghans is an initiative to support the global church in praying for God’s Kingdom to rapidly spread among Afghans. We are asking God for the Spirit to be speaking to us, bringing insights into His strategies and ways forward for workers around the world. We’re praying this initiative would spark much more prayer for Afghans across the globe.
Join with us as we pray. That the Afghan church would be deeply encouraged and spurred on in prayer and disciple making. Let’s pray for spiritual breakthroughs among Afghan. That God would open heaven over this nation and its peoples – for spiritual hunger to increase and for Afghans to have dreams, access to the Word & connection to disciples.
For the 3 Day Fast, prayer will be hosted online and in-person or you could gather some of your own community to pray for Afghans. Currently prayer will be flowing from seven major cities across the globe over the three days