Since launching our DMM online training last year we have seen over 150 people sign up from 18 nations. Our hope was to see all the disciple making paradigm shifts and tools we have learned over the years as Praxeis passed on and multiply in the hands of people near and far.
In one Aussie city, a woman has passed on the training to another who is now sharing it with her network. DBS (Discovery Bible Study) groups have started in places like Thailand and as far away as South Sudan. Organisations and churches have picked it up as a resource to help equip their communities to better make and multiply disciples. Praxeis workers as well as other DMM practitioners are coaching people through the course from New Zealand to England.
James from Uganda recently sent through this encouraging update:
“From the time we started the training, our team has seen the Lord multiply disciples. So far we have 4 DBS groups and 4 churches birthed with many baptisms. One time when we went to the river for some baptisms, we met a young man potting flowers by the water. I (James) asked him if the river was very deep. He stepped into the water and showed me that it wasn’t. I asked him if he had a personal relationship with Jesus. He replied honestly saying no. So I asked him if he wanted to have such a relationship and he said yes. I led him to Christ and baptised him right away! It has been amazing to see God move in ways like this.” |

Helping people with a vision have paradigm shifts that see them become more empowered to pray and have spiritual conversations are some of the ingredients to seeing DMM spark as discovery groups and churches start to form and multiply.