Multiplying disciples…even at work!

After meeting Niki at work and sharing part of her story, Paula quickly realised that she was spiritually hungry. So Paula invited Niki to do a simple discovery bible study. Niki immediately saw how God was encouraging her to share with others. Paula was excited! 

Niki started passionately sharing with three non-believing friends and asked Paula if she could bring them to the discovery bible study Paula had started with her. Surprisingly to Niki, Paula said “no”. Instead, Paula reminded Niki that God had explicitly encouraged her to reach these people. 

Paula continues to coach an enthusiastic Niki every week. As they meet, Paula suggests a passage for her to use with her own group, going through the basic outline of how to facilitate a discovery bible study.

Finding spiritually hungry people in places like our workplaces and empowering them to share with and disciple their own friends is an important paradigm shift to make. The power of multiplication starts with empowering ‘normal people’ like Niki to make disciples from the very beginning!