Movement in Myanmar!

Daily life is extremely challenging these days in Myanmar. The nation is at the brink of civil war, and the oppressive rule of the Junta continues. Atrocities are being reported from around the nation. The difficulties of daily life are increasing day by day. 

Yet, despite these challenges we are so encouraged to hear a report from our leader, Aung and his team last week. There are now six regions with active disciple makers and a total of 68 discovery bible study (DBS) groups meeting regularly.

  • Yangon has 19 DBS groups
  • ⁠Mandalay – 28 groups
  • ⁠Sagain region – 4 groups
  • ⁠Kalay region – 1 group 
  • ⁠Pagu region 2 groups
  • ⁠Rakhine region – 14 groups

We are also hearing of multiplication to the 4th generation!

Aung and the growing team are continuing to believe for these 68 groups to multiply, especially amongst unreached people groups. They are connecting with people of peace via access ministries as they provide rice for the hungry, medicine for the sick and help for school children.

It seems that in spite of great difficulties, God’s kingdom is expanding amongst the unreached in Myanmar. We’re struck yet again by how the model of making disciples works in every context.