Movement among the Nepalis of Mumbai

Returning home after the Disciple Making Conference in Africa recently, Aadi was keen to run a Discovery Bible Study as his ‘next step’. He gathered a group from his Nepali community. Half of the group were believers and half were Hindu.

A few days later one of the Hindu ladies phoned to invite the whole group to a celebration. But what was she celebrating? 

During the Discovery Bible Study she was asked:

‘What’s been good this week?’

‘What’s been a challenge?’ 

She shared with the group her main challenge was that she was sick, and so the group prayed for her. When she returned home again she realised she was healed!

Now she was inviting the group to join with her family and friends as she shares about Jesus healing her and celebrates what Jesus has done. She was excited to be preparing a party of cakes and cool drinks for everyone to share as they celebrate this really good news together.

Grounding the DNA of Disciple Making with a tangible ‘next step’ is key for movement.

We too can invite those around us to celebrate the goodness of God in our lives just like this lady who experienced God’s healing and celebrated what God had done with her friends.