God’s already working

Victor is working across Uganda to see disciple making movements. His vision is to partner where God is already at work to bring hope and health to Ugandans who haven’t heard the Gospel. He shares this story of what God has been doing in one community recently,

“Two weeks ago, two Muslim women accepted Jesus Christ by participating in a Discovery Group with others from their family. These women were introduced to me by one of their neighbours, a former prostitute. She had previously encountered Jesus, causing her to be completely transformed. This neighbour had already invited this Muslim family into her house where she shared her testimony with them.” 

Victor tell us, “God is pursuing this family in various ways. Both through their neighbour’s witness and when I discovered their need for clean water. After hearing of how they were fetching their drinking water from a river shared by cattle, I was concerned for their health. I raised some money to buy them a water filter. They consider this a miracle. I then encouraged them to read the Bible and a Discovery Group soon started.” 

This family is a divine connection for Victor. An example of a household where God is already at work through the witness of a neighbour. Time and again, we see movement often sparking in places where God is already active.