“Come and See” – Discipling Communities in the West

Rob and Catherine travelled across Australia from Perth to Canberra for their first Praxeis Tribe Time. They were inspired as they heard stories of other discipling communities*. On their return home they decided to have a go reaching out to others in their neighbourhood. 

“Taking the first step to start the group felt like the biggest risk.” – Rob

Having taken that first step, Rob and Catherine now host a fortnightly gathering of believers and non-believers. When people ask them what they are doing, they simply say “Come and see”. With a core group of 12, numbers have swelled up to 25. They have created a space not only for those new to the journey of discipleship, but also for those who have fallen away to discover God’s word and truth for themselves. 

“…we shouldn’t be surprised by what God will do if we continue to just make space.” – Catherine