Singapore DMM Training
There are a number of opportunities to develop your understanding and practice as disciple-makers in Singapore and around the world. All training and workshops can be delivered in an online format.

EV Boleh!
Evangelism boleh!
It doesn’t have to be hard. It doesn’t have to be scary … or awkward.
Partnering with God can be natural, fun and life-giving for normal people like you and me!
This 2.5 hour interactive learning session will equip you with some Biblical paradigm shifts and simple, practical tools that will move you towards greater freedom and effectiveness in evangelism.
Prepare for a new degree of freedom as you learn how to partner with God’s work in the harvest fields where He has placed you.
Journey this process with your group of like-minded buddies (20 maximum).
Let’s put the Lord of the harvest back at the centre – where He belongs.
Kingdom Harvest Prayer
A Lent prayer initiative for Singapore to help leaders mobilise their teams and congregations to deeper prayer, a greater vision for God’s Kingdom, and engagement in the harvest.
Includes a PDF resource with short daily Scripture readings, prayer & evangelistic tools and real life stories from everyday Singaporean harvest workers.
Local Missions DMM Training (LMT)
A 6 month equipping process to help leaders bring their outreach teams into greater effectiveness as disciples and disciple-makers.
The training focusses on group processing of Scripture, along with tools and frameworks that will help harvest workers engage the harvest in ways that can lead to multiplying groups of disciples.
Commitment involves monthly half day training and regular team meetings to reflect on Scripture reflection and apply what they learn. Team leaders will also meet together with trainers monthly.
Champion Training
A leadership development training for those who sense a call from God to bring an end to lostness and brokenness outside the Christian community.
With an emphasis on group processing and Bible discovery, this training equips Champions with a discipleship framework, skills and paradigms that can catalyse and sustain Kingdom movements within affinity groups.
Delivery is 8 x 6-week modules with a break between each module.
Each module involves a weekly group session, approximately 1/2 hour prep work and application steps in participants’ personal harvest context.
Kingdom and Culture Missions workshop
This workshop was previously called ‘Local Missions Workshop’ (LMW).
God’s vision is huge and He invites us to partner with Him as He actively reaches out to those who don’t know Him.
However, the majority of people in Singapore are not engaging with Him in traditional wineskins. Often it is our cultures that are the barrier to the people who want to be part of God’s kingdom.
This workshop is a one and a half-day workshop that helps attendees understand evangelism and mission in the light of Jesus’ Gospel and the story of God in the Bible.
This leads to a fresh understanding of the relationship between culture and the Kingdom of God, opening up possibilities for meaningful cross-cultural engagement and discipleship that are hidden in plain sight.
This workshop is suitable training for both local evangelism and cross-cultural mission. This workshop provides an overarching biblical framework for Disciple Making Movements (DMM) training.
MyWorld is all about following Jesus, making disciples and reaching the world. It is a community of practice; people gathering to reflect on Scripture, allowing our hearts to be challenged to care as God cares and to obey the great commission. Our hope is that for all people who are part of MyWorld, you will begin to reach all the networks and communities that make up your world.
MyWorld is a DMM training course consisting of 10 x half-day sessions, usually spread over 12 months, involving discussion, debrief from prior learning, prayer and teaching of content specific to DMM.