Church partnerships

Praxeis is part of the Church!  We are not independent or separate from the body of Christ. We are on the same team and work in partnership with local churches.

We love the church, those who belong to Jesus and obey His Word. As a group, we consider ourselves a natural extension of the church, ‘Church on mission’. We strongly believe every local body is part of God’s big global strategy to reach out to their local community and beyond. 

Praxeis exists for those who would never go to Church. We work with lots of different communities to help them discover God.

As discovery groups form, these continue to become local expressions of church wherever they are. Our focus is not only forming new groups of disciples, but also that these groups would soon multiply.

We develop partnerships with local churches to help them make disciples that multiply.

These partnerships help local bodies adopt the principles of disciple-making movements within their own communities. Working with many churches, we help develop new outreach strategies, and focus on empowering everyone within the church to be on mission. Everything we do is simple and multipliable. Because we are not that complicated, all we do can be easily accessed and applied in a wide variety of settings.

Partnerships between Praxeis workers and local churches develop in prayer, mission, coaching new leaders, resourcing and training, as well as building financial partners.  

Would you and your church like to partner with us? Do you have a passion to reach the world? Got questions? Contact us!