Around 80% of the Australian population live in cities. Reaching these cities is vital if we are to see a saturation vision. That’s over 17 million people in our 8 Australian capital cities, and that’s why our focus for this season from Calvary to Pentecost (31st March till the 19th May) is to ‘pray for 8’.
Encouraged by Acts 1:1-11, we have a vision to see Jesus pour out his Spirit in the cities of our nation in a fresh way. Inspired by Jesus’ words to his disciples, “wait in Jerusalem for the gift my Father has promised you”, we will have a team in every city on Pentecost Weekend.
We will be gathering to pray, train and reach out in every capital city, finding people of peace and believing for multiplying hubs.

Pentecost Weekend 2024 (17th-20th May)
Join us for a weekend of catalytic focus in each capital city of Australia. We will building on and joining in the kingdom networks in each location. This will be a key time, gathering with others in the city to pray, train and reach out.
Join us as we prepare for Pentecost Weekend
Start to pray. Ask God which city he wants you to pray for. Let us know so that we can connect you with others who are focussing on the same city as you.
Gather others around the vision for the same city and start praying with them. We have created a ‘Calvary to Pentecost booklet’ that is a resource for you to use as a team over the 7 weeks between Resurrection Sunday and Pentecost.
We hope you can join us as we seek to reach our cities, making disciples who multiply throughout these capitals, regions and into all the earth. Let’s go…
To be involved and find out what is happening in a specific location, contact us