This is a bi-monthly gathering of the broader community of disciple-makers reaching Afghans in Melbourne.
These gatherings provide a space to:
pray, share, celebrate what God is doing, workshop challenges we’re facing and receive input to sharpen our focus on seeing disciples of Jesus who multiply.
This month we will be exploring the role of vision in Disciple Making Movements and the importance it has in keeping us focused and persevering in faith.
We open with a time of fellowship over a meal (please bring a plate to share).
Please invite anyone you think would benefit from this space!
When: Saturday 30th July, 1-4pm
Where: 36 Bellbrook Drive, Dandenong North
Contact: [email protected]
Additionally, we’re opening up a ‘Prayer & Fasting’ space on that weekend. The desire to corporatly fast and worship together arose from last hub’s scriptures and also in the past couple of months there’s been a theme of praying for the sick emerge.
Friday 29/7
6:30pm-9pm: Worship & learning stories of Jesus healing the sick
Saturday 30/7
10am – 12pm: Prayer walk & heal the sick (Dandenong)
12:30pm: Break fast with communion at the Deford’s home.
Let us know if you’re keen to join us on any of these spaces.