DMM Local Missions Training

May 2021 - October 2021

Singapore May 15th 2021 – October 16th 2021

If you want practical, biblically grounded training that will empower you and your team to be and make disciples that can multiply, LMT is for you!

The Local Missions Training (LMT) teaches fundamentals of  disciple-making that will lead to transformation of communities, not just individuals. It is suitable for anybody engaged in local outreach, evangelism, church planting and/or cross-cultural mission.

The training consists of 6 x monthly online sessions where we dive deep into what Scripture says about God’s mission and vision to ask, ‘What will it take  to see this fulfilled in our nation and region?’.

The Bible has the loudest voice in this training process, supplemented with an introduction to Disciple-Making Movements (DMM) and practical tools that will help you apply these  insights to your own context and partner with God in working towards His end vision.

Between sessions, participants will meet together in their groups/teams  to process what they are learning, share their experiences in the  harvest and pray together. The most powerful learning takes places as teams learn with and from each other and the contexts God has called them to.

The example and teaching of Jesus and His first disciples will transform the way you think about and engage in evangelism and discipleship!

Reflections from past participants:

I am grateful for the time we spent in group discussions, looking into scriptures and sharing insights on how Jesus engaged the communities and how the disciples present the Gospels in ways that are relevant to different people groups. Scott’s guided questions are helpful and thought-provoking, we were able to learn from each other and be open about the mistakes we make in the process of disciple-making and community engagement.‘ – MS

‘I like the combination of teaching, practicum during the month before the next session, individual coaching and debriefing and yes, the group sharing – not just about the Bible text but also experiences from the practicum. It was good seeing Scott and Sarah working as a team to lead the sessions. Scott also referred us to current books which added another dimension. I had lots of questions when the wheel hit the road, and Scott was always ready for further coaching, often via WhatsApp.’ – YS

The training was good. Particularly useful – digging through scriptures during class and as homework definitely helped give me a better understanding of the early church’s disciple-making model. Listening to what the other participants were doing also gave me ideas how to have more intentional encounters with pre-believers.‘ – CSC

Main session topics

1- God’s vision + Love and Obedience

2- Prayer + the Holy Spirit

3- Jesus’ “Go” Strategy

4- Discipleship: Helping people listen to God

5- Reaching Households and Groups

6- Church & Multiplication


All trainers are practitioners with personal experience locally in the Singapore context and/or in cross-cultural contexts regionally.


Main Sessions will take place on the following dates (3rd Saturday of every month), 9.30am-1pm.

May 15th (9:30am – 12:15pm)

June 19th

July 17th (until 3.30pm including practical component)

August 21st

September 18th

October 16th (until 2:30pm including graduation lunch)

Attendees need to commit to attending all 6 main sessions.

Small group session dates and times will be decided by each group.


Sessions 1 – 5 Zoom

Sessions 6 – In-person (venue to be confirmed and subject to change depending on government guidelines)


We don’t want cost to be an obstacle to anybody that will benefit from this training and are making it available free of charge.

However, there are costs involved. We invite participants to consider ‘paying it forward’ and contributing financially so that we can continue to develop this training and offer it to other teams.


Required reading:

The Bible

Recommended reading:

From Megachurch to Multiplication by Chris Galanos 

The Kingdom Unleashed by Jerry Trousdale and Glen Sunshine

Contagious Disciple Making by David Watson and Paul Watson

Miraculous Movements by Jerry Trousdale

Note: Physical copies will be available for purchase at cost price on the first day of the training. Ebooks available from Amazon.

For inquiries contact [email protected]