139. Thailand 24 #6 – Fear and Faith (Mk 4:35-5:41)

In this podcast, we jump into a word of encouragement that Dave gave to the Thailand ’24 gathering with some of our international leaders. As a group, we’d just done a Discovery Bible Study (DBS) from the story of Jesus crossing the lake with his disciples, encountering and stilling a great storm and then encountering another storm of spiritual warfare when confronting the demoniac upon arrival in the Decapolis. We explore the themes of fear and faith from the reflections of this DBS found in Mark 4:35-5:41. 

The invitation to participate in the Great Commission

God is in partnership with us and the whole of creation. He calls us out to “go” and be apostolic. To be ‘sent ones’. However we will always confront fear as we respond to his call to “go”, just like in this story. 

Confronting fear

Like the people in the story, we will face different fears as we join in God’s work of kingdom advancement. We are called to respond with faith in Jesus who is power and authority. 

This story is a story of taking new ground for the kingdom of God. The storm that this story is talking about is one that comes from a response to God’s call to “go” and see the Kingdom of God advance in a new place. 

Faith from Spirit birthed vision in prayer 

‘Faith is about prayer and hearing the voice of the Spirit and then obedience to God.’

We are to listen to God’s kingdom advance plan in the place of prayer. All apostolic advancement begins in prayer. As we pray, God speaks to ‘go’. Just as God must have spoken to Jesus about going into this new gentile region, God always speaks to us about not settling for where we are right now. Vision birthed by God is always bigger than what we can handle. This is because it is God’s vision not ours.

Faith is risky

“Without the element of risk, there is no need for faith” (Hudson Taylor). 

As we step into the boat, fear always comes up against faith. Fear can cause us to withdraw. However apostolic advancement happens through our obedience and faith in Jesus, knowing his presence in ‘our boat’.

Faith in Jesus’ authority

When God calls us into new territories, we will run into spiritual powers and forces of darkness like in this story. But can put our faith in Jesus’ presence that comes and surrounds us as we obediently go, responding to Jesus’ words in the Great Commissions…

“And surely I will am with you always” (Matthew 28:20)

“Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit”. (John 20:21-22)

Final words of encouragement

“Obey Jesus. Go where he is calling you. Let it be birthed by the Spirit. He will lead us into dark places. Don’t compare yourself to others. You have ground God has called you to. It will require you to have faith in Jesus when fear confronts you. Go, take the land God is calling you to. Expect more than what you have right now!”