Hong Kong to the Philippines ‘popcorn movement’

Rey boldly jumped out of traditional church leadership and began what he calls a DOBS (Discovery Obedience Bible Study) in a local park in Hong Kong. He calls DBS (Discovery Bible Studies) ‘DOBS’ since “you can’t have movement without obedience”. After one month he saw one baptism. What he calls his first potential leader. Since starting in July 2022, 82 people have now been baptised!

Foreign domestic workers from the Philippines that work in Hong Kong are now carrying the Gospel back into their home country. As Rey says, “When foreign domestic workers retire, they can bring a Disciple Making Movement home”.

In one southern area of the Philippines, 40 people have been baptised. One ‘DOBS’ was started in a women’s house in Hong Kong who then shared the Gospel with her neighbours. High schoolers in the north of the Philippines are now being discipled through the networks of these neighbours. Muslims in central Philippines are also coming to faith and being baptised as the movement spreads.

“When the foreign domestic workers retire and return home, it’s like popcorn movement in the Phillipines. Disciple making is popping up all across the country from the north, south, east and west. Its very exciting!”

Through simple and reproducible disciple making, God’s Word can spread. Where could the Gospel spread in your community? As Rey says, “there is no movement without obedience”. Who are the people in your world you can encourage to discover, share and obey God’s Word with their friends and family?

Listen to Rey share more at our Thailand 24 gathering via our podcast here