128. Reasons to Die for Jesus #1

Over the next three podcasts we will be delving back into the archives as we hear again from Floyd McClung who shared at Crossway Baptist Church on the motivation of our hearts as disciple makers. 

In this first episode, Floyd focuses in on the Father heart of God. How we are to view people. This helps us view movement as not primarily a methodology but something of God’s driving heartbeat for all humanity. 

God is a loving Father and he is anxiously longing and waiting for people to return”. 

Floyd describes how the father responds to his son in Jesus’ commonly termed ‘Prodigal Son’ story (Luke 15:11-32) with his prodigal or ‘extravagant’ love.* This is God’s heart for all creation. A Father who is waiting and longing for our world. 

God isn’t storing up wrath, he is storing up love.

Floyd shares that if we can connect with God’s heart, we can then go to others as a lover of God who cares deeply for people’s brokenness. 

We hear precious and powerful stories of people encountering the Father’s love from Floyd’s mission experiences in places like Amsterdam’s red light district and amongst the poor in South Africa.

So the reason we go into mission isn’t out of guilt or obligation, but because the Father longs to receive people.

Tim Kellor’s book, ‘The Prodigal God’ that Floyd refers to can be found here