Opportunity to pray and give to the persecuted church

There has been a further escalation of persecution towards Christians. Our local leaders are reporting an increased targeting and attacking of believers.

You can prayerfully and practically respond now…

Village Christians are fighting for survival with many feeling afraid and alone as they come to faith and face increasing violence and discrimination.

Every day struggles include the harvests of believers being looted. Christians are being prohibited from entering and buying groceries from village shops and taking water from local wells. They are being thrown out of their villages and prohibited from burying their dead relatives. 

“Last Sunday, our sister (a Christian woman) was planting rice in her family’s field in a remote village. She was a recent believer. Her brother approached her in the field demanding an explanation of why she had become a Christian. He told her she was no longer allowed to sow rice in their family’s field. After she continued to sow, her brother was enraged to the point that he beat and killed her, throwing her body onto the field.” 

Shared with us recently from our regional leader

Central Indian woman (pictured right in the above picture) recovers following an attack
where her husband was killed for his Christian faith.

Photo courtesy: Global Christian Relief.

Stand in prayer

with persecuted Christians

The stories coming through are truly inspirational. These persecuted ones are paying the cost for their faith that many of us will never face. Even when they are threatened with death, they are saying…

 “I want to continue to follow and serve Jesus. It was for this Jesus that my husband was willing to be faithful to the point of death; I too will follow in his footsteps. Please pray for me, I need your prayers.” 

Christian widow pictured above, whilst fleeing for her life
Thank God: 

For the many new and brave believers  who are willing to face many sufferings for their new faith in Jesus. 

For our leaders and their teams who remain focussed on disciple making amongst enormous difficulties. 
Ask God: 

For strength – that our brothers and sisters need to endure the pain and pressure of persecution (Ephesians 3:16-19).

For provision – that God would provide them with their daily needs when faced with poverty, loneliness and isolation (Philippians 4:19). 

For the gospel to spread – that despite the challenges, these suffering believers will be bold and wise in sharing their faith as people continue to come to Christ (Phil 1:9-11).

For the government – that authorities would protect those being persecuted and discriminated against (1 Timothy 2:1-4). 

Stand in partnership

…give to the persecuted church

Daily stories continue to come through of what is being described as unprecedented Christian persecution:

“Just when we don’t think it will get any worse, it does. Hundreds of Christian families have been forced to leave their homes and fields. These are very simple and often poor people from very remote villages.” 

One of our leaders

Your giving will help with the essential needs of: 

  • Emergency relief and urgent provisions 
  • Towards disciple making

(We guarantee that every dollar you give will be put in the hands of local believers and will go towards helping those with needs on the ground.)