8 Simple Questions

Here are the simple questions of the Discovery Bible study (DBS). A great way to remember how to run a  DBS is to have this printed out on the back of your book mark or scripture lists. This way everyone can facilitate the group!

ABC of Discovery 

A = Ask

Q. What can you be thankful for this week?Q. What challenges do you face?

Q. How can we help others?

Q. (The 2nd time you meet together) How did we go applying or obeying our ‘I Will’ statements last week?

B = Bible

Read the scripture & Re read the scripture & Re-Tell the scripture in your own words

Q. What does this tell us about God?

Q. What does this tell us about people?

C = Commit

Q. How can I apply this, or How can I obey this? = ‘I Will ….”

Q. Who can I share this with?

TIPS to remember
  • The facilitator asks questions and doesn’t try to teach.
  • Work hard to keep Christian language and presumptions (theology etc) out of the process.
  • Allow people ‘space’ to discover for themselves.
  • Don’t be afraid of silence.
  • Stay in the passage.
  • Don’t wander… learn to dig deep.
  • One person should not dominate… everyone should share.
  • Focus on practically applying/obeying what is discovered.
  • Rotate leadership: after a couple of times, let others facilitate.
  • Multiply: could current members lead a group of their own?