146. Aila Tasse – How to Catalyse a Movement

Dave speaks with Aila Tasse, author of Cabbages in the Desert, at the Nairobi DMM leaders gathering. Aila shares practical steps for catalysing movements in even the most challenging contexts.

Key Highlights:

• Movements are thriving globally through ordinary people living with simple faith and obedience.

• In the West, Christianity is often intellectualized and individualistic, hindering relational, God-dependent disciple-making.

Steps to Catalyse a Movement:

1. Engage – Use spiritual mapping and prayer.

2. Raise Awareness – Cast vision and train locals.

3. Build & Train Teams – Equip those attempting first steps of DMM.

4. Coach & Network – Connect practitioners to share insights.

5. Develop Leaders – Identify and develop leaders.

6. Multiply Catalysts – Equip leaders to catalyse movements.

Networking (Learning and Seeing):

Aila emphasises the importance of making disciples for Jesus, not organisations. Movements thrive when leaders embrace a posture of learning, depend on God, and prioritise the DNA of disciple-making over branding.

Aila isn’t just learning—he’s seeing movements emerge. Out of his vision for 150 movements, he has already witnessed 69 movements take root. By sharing resources freely and focusing on empowering others, Aila has seen God’s work multiply beyond organizational boundaries.

Final Encouragement:

• Trust God’s timing and keep sowing seeds with simple faith and simple obedience. 

• Stay connected in networks and cultivate perseverance—it’s the fruit of the Spirit.

• Keep going until the Lord comes back; His didn’t tell us to come, but his call remains, it is “Go.”