132. Reaching Cities with Scott Crawley #1

We start a new series talking to disciple making leader and catalyst, Scott Crawley, as he shares on reaching cities.  

Scott’s story

Scott first shares a little bit of his story including how, as a broken young adult, he encountered Jesus in a vision which radically transformed his life. He then moved to Asia and wrestled with the question, ‘what is the Gospel?’ in a very different context to what he was used to in Australia. Over the next 20 years, Scott and his wife found themselves in different parts of central Asia, underprivileged parts of urban Australia and now the cities of Asia. 

Vision for the cities of Asia

Today Scott and his family are caught up in God’s vision for the cities of Asia. He currently serves across five cities alongside locals who feel stuck with ‘next steps’ as they carry a vision for those who are not engaging with Jesus. 

Why cities?

Scott shares why focusing on cities is vital to seeing God’s vision fulfilled:

  • Most of the world’s population is in cities (over 55%).
  • Movement is happening in rural areas not urban areas. There is a clear gap when it comes to our cities. 
  • Cities are one of the last giants to be taken down. (They are challenges since when you address one part of a city, there is so many more parts to focus on.)

So where do we begin when we seek to reach complex cities?

We hear Scott begin by saying it’s always as simple as listening, trusting and obeying God. And empowering others to do the same. 

He then shares to look out for people who have questions. Scott encourages us to engage with these locals by asking questions back to them! This is so we can understand how God is already working so we can partner with and serve God.

“The Holy Spirit is a much better coordinator and leader than we are. As we listen and ask people questions, we see how we can strategically serve.”Scott

Three spheres of cities

David Broodryk’s three spheres of cities can help with asking questions to hungry people as we begin by helping them clarify who/where they are called to.

  1. Oikos groups 
  2. Affinity groups
  3. Whole cities

Words encouragement

Scott gives us a word of exhortation as he calls us to soak in God’s vision as we read through scripture and realising that it’s not God’s wish list but his plan. Finally, he affirms us that each of us have a role to play in God’s vision. We can all be free as God’s sons and daughters as we learn to listen, trust and obey God and be part of seeing his Kingdom come.