131. Holistic transformation in India

In this episode, we have a conversation with Indian Praxeis catalyst, Rodger, exploring his story and hearing about what God is doing in northern India among the largest number of unreached people groups in the world. Rodger is engaged in church planting and community transformation efforts not only in his home state of Bihar but also across 15 other Indian states and beyond.

Holistic Approach

Rodger’s approach involves a holistic transformation, focusing on more than just the spiritual lives of people. He uses the Bible and movements principles to help multiply the training of key leaders at state, regional, and village levels as they understand how to address their community’s needs.

The vision for Bihar

In Bihar, the goal is to establish a church in each of the 45,000 villages. Progress has been made in 20,000 villages so far.

Catalytic Impact

Dave asks us as the listeners this key question during the converstion: “What does the Gospel look like in our context as disciple makers and catalysers?”

Encouragement and Reflection

‘For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.’

Habakkuk 2:14.

Rodger asks us, “Where do we stand? Are we living for ourselves or for God’s vision?”. Emphasising that taking one step, as Rodger did at the age of sixty, can lead to miracles and guide us into the next steps in fulfilling God’s vision of Habakkuk 2:14.