6 Sep 2019
Person of Peace
In the New Testament, Jesus discipled his followers in his missionary methods. Not only did he call them to become ‘fishers of men’, he provided the example for them. He trained them thoroughly …
6 Sep 2019
Person of Peace
In the New Testament, Jesus discipled his followers in his missionary methods. Not only did he call them to become ‘fishers of men’, he provided the example for them. He trained them thoroughly …
13 Aug 2019
James O. Fraser
Many of us will never have heard of the pioneer missionary, James O. Fraser. However, his life has many powerful lessons for us all. Fraser was a gifted engineer and concert piano player, yet at …
6 Aug 2019
The fire behind the abandonment of the Moravians
I am really inspired by the Moravians! Watch this and ask yourself … if we are going to see a movement in Australia and into the nations, what will it take? https://youtu.be/xRs9YkCvM_8 …
30 Jul 2019
The fire behind missionary abandonment
I love this issue of Mission Frontiers. Missions needs prayer and prayer needs mission. Mission without prayer is dead, and equally prayer without mission can move into some strange places. I …
22 Jul 2019
The best church planters are in our jails #2
This movement was started accidentally! As a key disciple-maker one day got the earth-shattering news his son had been incarcerated, he had to uproot his home and move to be near his son. Driving to …
22 Jul 2019
The best church planters are in our jails!
How the roughest of the rough are being transformed, leading others and multiplying disciples! Great to be with the DMM ‘Multiply’ Summit here in Chicago. Amongst many stories, hearing the …
19 Jul 2019
A Wind in the House of Islam
Something has shifted. The wind blows wherever it pleases (Jn 3:8) and the Spirit is blowing gently but powerfully across the Dar al-Islam (House of Islam).
18 Jul 2019
Prayer Movements
The Western church is resource rich, over-fed yet is in sharp decline (esp Europe and Australia) and lives in spiritual poverty. The Church in places like Indonesia relies on the resources of heaven. That’s why they pray… and pray…. and pray. The kingdom of God is forcefully advancing in places like this…
15 Mar 2019
Spirituality in Australia
With the decline in the Church, the media in Australia is keen to join with Nietzsche to proclaim ‘God is Dead’. Far from God being dead in Australia, and the supposed rise in Atheism, there remains a real spirituality that lingers under the surface